Monday, January 12, 2009

On Schedule

We're going to be making an extra trip to the embassy this week or next. Matt had to madly scramble this morning to DHL some forms we'd neglected to complete, and we're also going to have to tote Andrew's aunt back to Kampala to prove to Mr. Flook's satisfaction that we're legit.

After that, it should only take a couple of days to get the visas, so we'll probably get out right on schedule.

It was a long day with Andrew. Up before 5 a.m.--I got about three hours of sleep myself, still dealing with the time change. He's is full of energy and decided to begin testing me in public places--particularly at one point during a tense exchange with Flook. Anyway, we survived, and it took him all of 30 seconds to fall asleep in what is now our room.

I learned today that Andrew's father came from western Uganda and his mother came from the north, which explains his broader mouth and upturned nose. He's a sweetie, and I think a good night of rest and a few days of a new routine will help us all settle in. I think his primary frustration, other than the fact that I'm not his daddy, is language. When he has something he really wants to tell me, he bursts into Lusoga (at least that's what I'm told he's speaking). And he's even started telling me the local words for things like rooster and napkin or fork or something like that at dinner. Anyway, I've decided to learn at least a little Lugandan (similar to Lasoga) in order to really get his attention when I need him to do something. Will let you know how that goes.


kcself said...

We're continuing to pray for you. Good ol Mr. Flook. Lord love him. Praying for him, too. I'm confused, though. What is the primary language in the orphanage--Luganda or Lasoga? I assume Lasoga is spoken by the Basoga tribe . . . someday I really should have all this figured out . . . .

Larisa Brass said...

I don't know what the primary language at welcome home is. it's my understanding that Jinja is pretty split although the orphanage in a luganda area